Sunday, September 23, 2012


.....I'm here! Only have time for pictures now, but they speak for themselves. I was very thankful to spend time with my brother, my cousins and a friend I made on my last trip to NZ....all in LA!! Stories to follow...the sunset is LA, the plane pictures are flying from Auckland to Queenstown, which is where I will be until I decide on a more certain plan.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Catherine--You may know by now that Grampa and I are "going home" to the Valley to live when we sell our home and cabin. This may take awhile, of course, but that is our plan and we feel led by our Lord to make the move. We love your daily blogs and think the photos make us think of California!! You remind me of myself--left home at age 16 and now returning 61 years later!! Take care and God be with you--Grammie
