Monday, October 29, 2012

I'M BACK!!!!

So much for the post office and there 6-8 day shipping. Now about 2.5 weeks later I finally have received my package and my computer charger. Woohoo

So I feel like I have a lot to update on, but don't feel like a whole lot has happened. I know once I get to writing it will be never ending, so brace yourself.

Work is going really well. I enjoy my job and I am pretty sure this place could have it's own reality tv show. I think that is the way any bar/restaurant job is though. In a small town you have a lot of drunks because they don't have anything else to do. The weather was cold and rainy for a couple weeks, so it really brought out the booze, which of course encourages the drama. The police check the bars constantly around these parts, so when someone is drunk you instantly cut them off. I know that's supposed to be the case anywhere, but we all know good and well that not many places around home will cut you off. Anyways, in doing so I have made a couple enemies and called a bitch on more than one occasion. Then they come in again like nothing ever happened and the whole cycle starts over again. Oh the joys of working in a bar!

There was an American couple here for a week that was probably around their late 60's. They were from Florida and were retired from the airline industry, so they were out traveling the world. Sometimes I am still convinced I should become an airline attendant so that I could fly first class stand by on international flights. Anywho, this couple was so cool. The wife went SKYDIVING AND BUNGEE JUMPING!! I hope I'm that cool at that age, but I doubt it. Last time I was here I went bungee jumping and it was beautiful and all, but I had to jump with someone because there was no way I was going to make myself jump. Never doing that again. Skydiving, on the other hand, was the coolest thing ever. If you are going to do it though be sure it's somewhere scenic. It's not too cool when you're just jumping out of a plane to see the interstate or something.

The weather over the past 5 days has been AMAZING! It's gotten really warm. I have turned off the electric blanket and now sleep with the windows open. It's crazy since 2 weeks ago I woke up to snow. With the weather being so nice I have been able to run after work. I love to run, but I do get bored with it normally. It is so beautiful here though I can't imagine really tiring of it, other than the fact that the hills are so brutal. I've never been a hill runner, but I guess I am going to have to now. It's worth it though because when you get to the top and are running along the paths that overlook the farms and mountains and neighborhoods, it's seriously breathtaking. I am looking forward to the weather getting warmer because I am much more motivated to get outside. I have scoped out several trails and hikes I want to do, so you can count on lots of scenic pictures to come as we head into summer.

This Friday my friend Joe and I are headed on a roadtrip for 6 days. We are heading first to Christchurch to see Kora, which is a New Zealand band that is kind of funky, reggae type music. It's about 6 hours away and on the east coast. Then we are going to head north to Kaikoura to see whales and sea lions and all kinds of marine life. We will stay for a night and then head to the very top of the south island to Picton and the Marlborough sounds. I read up on all of it last night and got so excited I'm afraid I won't want to come back to work. There are tons of walking trails, biking and kayaking that can be done around there. On top of all that it is the Marlborough wine region. I love wine and I know every vineyard is different, but I can skip that for the sheer fact of how pretty it will be and all of the other things we can do. I of course go all out when I travel and wake up real early, get moving and pack in every single thing I can. I also have made all of our plans and have not consulted with my travel buddy on any of it! He better prepare himself for an intense week. We will stay up there for a few days and come back through Christchurch for one more night to see Mumford & Sons!!

When I get back from our trip I am actually moving! I have made a few friends that are locals around here and I told one of them I was considering moving. It just so happened that he had a room open at his house. There is another girl that lives there as well and works at the bird sanctuary down in Queenstown. I have not met her, but it will be nice to live with people a bit closer to my age.

I'm sure I am leaving so much out, but I will now be able to blog consistently and get caught back up!

Oh PS....I hope you are all watching Homeland. Last night was the best episode yet!

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