Monday, October 1, 2012

Dear Summer, Please hurry up!

I have been here 8 days! It feels like so much longer, I guess since so much has happened. I have a job and a place to live, so things have been a bit hectic getting settled in. Working really takes away from my blogging, Skyping, emailing, Facebooking time. Quite the problem eh?

My new job is great. I stay busy, which is really nice since I hate sitting around staring at the wall. We have a rooftop/balcony restaurant that overlooks the mountains and we can slide open all of the doors on that side, so essentially the whole thing is open. It is really nice and warm during the day, except for when it rains, which has been the past 2 days. However, the sun is back out now and it's super nice. I had to drive to the airport today to pick up my boss' friend and everything is getting bright green and the sky is clear blue. For it to be this beautiful right now, I can't imagine what it will be like in another month. It is still pretty cold the minute the sun goes down. Houses here don't have heaters, which I find unbearable for winter. Most places have big fire places or otherwise they will have a small space heater. Where I am living, we have a great warm fire, but my room stays freezing. I have an electric blanket that I turn on about an hour before bed. Greatest thing ever! I love jumping in the warm cozy bed. Waking up is pretty brutal. I came up with the brilliant idea to have my clothes for the following day next to the bed, so I set my alarm 10 minutes early. When it goes off I hit snooze, turn the blanket on high, put my clothes under the covers and then sleep until the alarm goes off again. Magic! Don't let me fool you though, I'm still not warm and fuzzy, I'm cold, just not freezing. I work at 8am, so I decided I will start getting up early and coming to work around 7, so I can sit by the fire and use the internet. I don't have wifi at my house, so I have to take advantage of it when I have it. I may eventually get it, but I want to wait it out a bit to see what happens.

Since it is still so cold at night, I made Sante Fe Soup the other night, which of course is my favorite easy chili in the whole world! I made enough to last me the whole week. For those of you that have seen my India pictures know about my elephant pants. They are basically bright blue MC Hammer pants with elephants on them and the most comfortable things in the entire world. I put my PJ's on after work yesterday, lounged on the couch reading 'Little Bee', listening to the rain, eating chili, and then watched Homeland. Let me just tell you, if you don't like that show, I can't be your friend anymore. Remember this is coming from someone that hasn't owned a tv or had cable since my junior year of college. There is a part of me that wonders what I was thinking? Anyways, I'm hooked and now trying to figure out where I can find season 1 so I can have a marathon this weekend.

I can't remember if I have mentioned my living arrangements yet or not. I found a place with a lady I work with. She's 48 and her name is Sue. Sounds amazing right? She really lives with her boyfriend so I have the house to myself. I feel like I live in an outdated log cabin. The walls are all wood and the curtains and furniture are quite grandmotherly print...think floral, maroons and dark green. Disclaimer, my grandparents house looks nothing like that, but you know where I'm coming from. And if your house looks like this and under 65, then I apologize, but please let me know so I can send some decorating help your way.

The one downside to this place is there is no good music. There is no Callaghan's. Quite sad. I am currently listening to a playlist that consists of John Mayer circa 2005. I heard 'Sweet Home Alabama' on this same playlist earlier. Places here have DJ's and by DJ's I mean the ones that were at middle school sock hops and you request songs to. That's not music. If only someone had fulfilled my life long dream of teaching me to play the drums, I would create my own band. I guess until then I will be requesting '90's pop and rock at the DJ booth.

I realized after just ranting about DJ's that I have been out later than 9pm once since I've been here. HA! It was to watch the Packers and Seattle play at this sports bar with a huge screen. So really I haven't witnessed a DJ, but I'm going off what I have been told and the image I have created in my mind. I'll keep you posted.

Sorry if I bounce around when I write. I get overwhelmed and one thought leads to another and I get off track. Too much to say, too little space! Guess that's all for now. I will be in touch soon.

I would love feedback on what kinds of questions you have and what you would like to know. Leave me a message!


  1. Did she already have a bed for you to sleep in? How old is your boss? Do you like him? Do you have a coffee place you like? Why the hell don't they have heaters? Does it get really cold there in the winter? I'm sure you will find music once you have been there a little while & get settled in. What kinds of food do they eat over there? I wish I had a bowl of Santa Fe soup right now! Better yet, wish I could have one WITH YOU!
    You asked for questions.....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mr. DG and I are big fans of Homeland - glad to know you're one too! We had a marathon day of watching all Season 1 at the end of last year's season. We're completely hooked!
