Being home has had its ups and downs, but overall being here has been wonderful. I mean how can I complain when I am fortunate enough to have a view like this?!

Most importantly, I love having my parents, Brinley and my friends within a stones throw of me. Having great live music is unreal. I was so tired of cover bands singing 'Wagon Wheel', "Brown Eyed Girl" and "Sweet Home Alabama". I've said it before, but the only thing NZ is missing is good music! I love being able to go to all of my favorite places, ride my bike around town, come to the beach, and seeing familiar faces everywhere I go. Mobile has changed a lot in 2 years. Our downtown really is thriving. It has a long way to go and things have come and gone, but I remember the shock I experienced when I was riding my bike downtown on a Monday night. I had never seen such foot traffic like I saw that night. People were everywhere. It had me wondering what was going on and come to find out, there was nothing. It was so cool to see. From that moment I knew Mobile was changing, Mobile was growing and downtown was really developing. In fact, just this weekend a BIKE LANE was added downtown. That's a huge step. If only we could get a couple retail shops downtown we would be looking more and more like the city of my alma mater, Charleston. As much as I had these grand plans of moving to the mountains, when it came down to the price of school and living I knew it was much more practical to stick to Mobile until I was done applying for grad school. I am very glad I made that decision.
I had an eventful summer being in school, babysitting and enjoying the beach. I got to go to DC for a college friends wedding, which was beautiful, low key and filled with laughter. I was also able to get to California to see my grandparents, my cousins and a couple of friends. People live in California for the weather. Anytime I went somewhere with my grandparents I was constantly saying, "y'all live in one of the most beautiful parts of the country, this weather is amazing"!
The number one question I have gotten since being home is "How long do you plan to stay here before you leave again?". I don't know the answer to that question, but I do know that as long as I am here I will continue to love Mobile and commit myself to making it a better place, because you just never know. At the end of the day it is home.
I've created fall goals that consist of things like eat healthier, workout more, cook more, read more books, don't procrastinate, be a better blogger....all the typical goals that are usually made around the New Year. I did add on there I wanted to run a half marathon. So, here's to hoping that I can make most of my goals part of my routine! Over the next few months I do plan to upload the rest of the pictures and stories from my trip. The hardest part is trying to decide which of the 5000 pictures to post, but I promise they are coming.
Do you have Fall goals? If so, I would love to hear them. Maybe I can even get some inspiration from your ideas!